Balance Team Outing – March 2019

Spring is HERE! Finally. What happens in the Chicago area? You see jackets on the blacktop at schools. Your daughter asks if she can wear shorts! Remember when you were a kid and you wanted to wear SHORTS as early as humanly possible? We feel like we can breathe again. We actually see people whom we haven’t seen all winter while we were in hibernation. I literally said to a mom at school yesterday “I haven’t seen you all winter”. And that’s true! We think “food on patios!!”

Spring has sprung here at Balance as well. The team got together and socialized. Crawled out of our wintry cave and enjoyed a beautiful brunch and freshened up our head shots at this lovely event space that was held in the brand new CO251 in Aurora. They also own my favorite spot to grab lunch in Geneva called Movable Feast. The event space is moving Movable Feast into the realms of events! So Exciting! It truly was lovely.

Spring to me is a time for newness- new beginnings. New babies, things growing and changing. We start to peel back the layers that winter left behind. We start to shift our thinking. We finally feel like we can see things in the light. What’s your “newness”? What awakening are you working on?

Does your life need a “Spring cleaning”, a reorganization? Mine sure did so this is what I did. I do not do spreadsheets. I just don’t. I hire a very very very organized person to do them. That’s not me. But hear me out- to shift our thinking sometimes we need to make a spreadsheet. Here is the formula:

  • Column A- Stuff I’m pretty unhappy with
  • Column B- Things I like a lot
  • Column C- Things I want out of life

And you don’t have to make one!! You can fill out the next page. Print It. Enjoy, Breathe, Sip something on a patio and grab a pen.

With Love, Amy Schillinger, LMFT, Founder and Clinical Director, Balance Stress Management and Therapy

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